26 Sep Homes Built for Families
Last week, the Egeland’s brought their kids to watch the process of spraying concrete into what will be their pool very soon. As they ate lunch-time snacks, they peered over the edge of the pool and watched as one of the crew members shaped the steps into the shallow end.
The family often stops by the construction site – curious about our work, eager to see progress, and imagining what it will look like when construction is complete. We encourage their visits. While we maneuver trusses, coordinate delivery trucks, and review architectural plans, we never forget that the homes we build are for the families that will live in them.
We share our clients’ enthusiasm for the process because we don’t look at the houses we build as a mere shelter from the elements. Each home is the basis for day-to-day family life: afternoons doing homework in the kitchen; mornings getting ready for work; for holiday gatherings, birthday parties, and even visits from the tooth fairy. Memories will be made within the walls we construct, so we believe our work should stand the test of time.
Are you curious about the process too? You can follow this project and news about our company’s work on Facebook and Twitter.