03 Jun Egeland Update
Any day that you might choose to stop by the construction site of the Egeland Residence in The Highlands (in Bend, Oregon), you’ll find a busy scene. Right now, we have a crew working on the roof, stonemasons working on the exterior, electricians and plumbers roughing-in their lines, and framers and carpenters working on the interior spaces.
Protecting the View
Tradespeople’s vehicles, suppliers’ delivery trucks, and various Timberline rigs line the entry to the site. But, unlike many home construction sites, these vehicles are carefully parked along a roped off drive – protecting the native vegetation surrounding the site. The views from this property are some of the best Central Oregon has to offer. Preserving the manzanita, ponderosa, and sage is key to protecting the view the homeowners are looking forward to enjoying.
When building a custom home on the scale of the Egeland Residence, patience is key. Every window and door, each bathroom and bedroom, garages, and architectural details require time. And being dedicated to quality means fighting off the urge to rush toward completion. This shouldn’t be mistaken, however, for a lackadaisical approach to construction. Because we’ve anticipated the workload and created a critical path with scheduled benchmarks, we’re right on track.
We have always loved building homes and this project gives us ample rational for enjoying our work. We’ve set up our job-office in front of a great window and can keep an eye on the passing weather as well as the crews working on site. This home, in particular, is an amazing process to be a part of. The homeowners, the designer, and the trades and suppliers we’ve hired are all truly awesome people. As this home moves toward completion, we’ll keep on smiling and continue to share updates.