Idea Books: planning your remodel or new home

Idea Books: planning your remodel or new home

Are you considering remodeling your home? Or dreaming about building a new custom home? We recommend starting an idea book – a collection of images from magazine, websites, your own photos. Dream big. Look at the details. As you collect different images, your own personal style will emerge and you will start to identify design concepts that meet your family’s needs as well as your aesthetic preferences.

If you’re a fan of magazines and books, start with an empty binder and some binder tabs and start clipping. Subscribe to some design and home magazines or let your friends know you are collecting magazines and ask them to save their old copies for you. Do you prefer browsing online? We found a great site: You can create an online idea book in just a few minutes. We thought we’d try it out too, so we created an idea book focusing on modern details:
