29 Jan The First Month: Building a Contemporary Home in Bend, Oregon
In the middle of December, we broke ground on Lot 23 and quite a bit has happened in the last few weeks. For us, it’s just routine. But if you’re considering building a custom home of your own, or just curious about the process, we thought you might enjoy a closer look at how a construction project takes shape. You can read more about the design plans for this home on previous posts.
Breaking ground is always a thrilling milestone.
After spending 6 months or more in the design process; excavation began in earnest in mid-December of 2013. Like all projects, we began with staking the lot. Protecting the intrinsic qualities that make the lot special is key, so taking a few extra steps to preserve native vegetation is important.
The foundation is fundamental.
The skillful set-up and pour of the foundation is crucial for any construction project. Mistakes made at this stage have a reverberating effect throughout the construction process. For this reason, we are diligent to work with foundation and concrete specialists that truly know their stuff and can deliver (rain or shine, snow or ice).
Onward and upward: cue the framers.
By mid-January, we were puling the forms off the foundation and ready to backfill. With the blink of an eye (and some very efficient framers) we had the crawlspace framed out and ready for the underfloor HVAC, plumbing, and electric. Next up, walls.
Stay tuned…
You can follow the progress of this home as well as our other spec and custom homes by liking us on Facebook or following us on Twitter.